Of Course we have so many pictures that we love from 2008, but here are a few of my favorites. I never seem to take a good picture, but Bryan and I had this picture taken 5 days before Carter was born. We went to Ocean Shores in February with the Aucklands. It brings back so many great memories! This particular picture was taken in the fort that the boys built. My contractions were about 20 minutes apart at this point, but we were determined to get our last weekend in before the baby came.

Doesn't our sensitive little Cameron look tough! Cameron did such a great job in becoming a big brother this year! He loves his little brother and they are already best friends!

Here is our happy 2008 addtion to our family. He loves to hold his toes and balance on his bottom. Maybe it was the few yoga classes I did while pregnant. Carter is always happy!

This is my all time favorite picture of Bryan. It was taken minutes after Carter was born, and I don't think I have ever seen Bryan so happy! This picture will always be one of my favorites.