Monday, January 25, 2010

Where have we been?

Where oh where have the Johnsons been?
It is hard to say where we have been, but I know I haven't been blogging. I always check my facebook account, but I have let the blog fall behind. I am going to try and do a better job in keeping our blog current. I am so impressed with the mommies that keep everything current. My word for 2009 was simplify and it is going to continue to be the word for 2010. However, I can still keep the blog!
What has been happening in our home? Well, Carter is almost 2 and you all know what happens when a child hits 2. He is doing pretty well for the most part, but he is so different than his brother. However, Carter is potty trained. He is in underwear full time except for nap and bedtime. He usually wakes up from a nap dry, but I am not ready to test it. I don't think he is developmentally ready to tell me that he needs to go, so I just tell him to go make "PeePee bubbles." He loves to stand up and pee in the toilet. He is aim is great also! He also goes at school, which is a huge step!
Cameron loves his new preschool. He is learning all about the rainforest, which is a subject we love. He is also a dinosaur fanatic! I can't believe all the dinosaurs he can name and information he has learned about dinosars from a few books and a show. He always asks, "What species do you want to be?" before we get into the hot tub each evening.
Bryan has been hired back to the airport. They were nice enough to create a new position that puts him in as a supervisor. It is just a label though. He works with some close friends and doesn't like the idea of being the boss. I think he is doing s wonderful job of balancing his new job, fire department stuff (Tuesday and Friday nights), and us. We are still number 1 on his list!
Me: I am just doing the mommy thing and working part time. I just started Zumba and love it! It is a great work out and soooo much fun! I am trying to get my butt back in shape, but it hurts!
Here are a few pictures from our weekend. We went to visit my grandma in Beaverton. We decided to take the train because Stanwood just opened a station. We walked to the station and had a fantastic trip!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Random Holiday Pictures

I can't believe the holiday season is over! We have had a lot of fun, but have been incredibly busy. Here are a few snippets of our busy life over the past few weeks.

The boys camped in our living Christmas Night. We enjoyed our new tent!

Cameron and Beth both have the family cheeks. Beth is our cousin from San Diego. We enjoyed hanging out with her!

We threw Bryan's mom a 65th birthday party. About 100 people came, we had a live band, and Bryan was a little intoxicated.

We took a kid/dog hike a few days after Christmas.

The Johnson Cousins after opening presents on Christmas morning.