Thursday, May 28, 2009


Since January Bryan has had class every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Each class session had a start time, but I never knew when he would be home. He would often come home to everyone sound asleep. He spent his other nights home trying to study as he played with the boys and tried to reassure his wife. I might sound like I am whining, but I am just realizing that I made it through this grueling schedule and I didn't go crazy (you might think differently). Bryan graduated tonight! He was chosen to be a guest speaker because he is one of the class leaders (old guy).

Now what? He starts EMT school June 22nd and it will end in September. He will have class every Monday and Friday. The schedule is a little better, but he will be required to do a lot more studying. When he finishes EMT school he will be able to work and get paid by North County, however, he will be considered a Part Time employee and will not be making very much money. We hope that he will eventually become a full time Fire Fighter for Paine Field (or North County). That would be an ideal situation for us! If he gets hired by Paine Field they will be sending him to North Bend Fire Academy for 10 weeks! I might go crazy if that happens.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fire Fighter Dad

Bryan has passed all of his FireFighter 1 courses! Yeah, he is a Fire Fighter! He was nominated the class leader by the Chief and will be delivering a speech on graduation night. He also gained his Wild Fire Card and these are pictures of him finishing his water rescue class. Bryan is playing the victim and is in the basket. He spent the entire day in the water at Kyak Point.

Carter loved filling his bucket with rocks. I tried to get him to watch his dad, but he wasn't interested.

The boys shared a few goldfish together.

Bryan and his crew coming in for a break.

Relaxing after a day at the beach. I love this picture!
Bryan will begin his EMT training this June. It should last a few months. He will begin a shift with North County soon, but having his EMT degree will make him more marketable. We are very proud of his dedication!
P.S. The Kangaroo Farm is in Arlington. We would love to go again with some friends. They also had lemurs, llamas, turkeys, peacocks, and a biting pony. Those are the animals Cameron keeps talkinga about.