already 1 years old
He had his own sugary cupcake. This was a mistake
because he woke up many times that night.

because he woke up many times that night.
He hasn't left this toy since he received it. He likes to get in the car and then out
and then back in. I am hoping this car will entertain him this summer so I can
get some yard work done.
Here is a list for those of you who don't know Carter very well.
1. His best friend is his brother.
2. He is a daddy's boy.
3. His hair is hard to tame. I can only slick it down for a period of time.
4. He says: mamma, dadda, dod (dog), Kee (kitty), ahh dun (all done), uh oh, nigh nigh (sleepy time), and num num (hungry).
5. He has decided he doesn't like bottles anymore. I guess he is a good boy for doing that so easily.
6. He loves to wrestle with his dad and brother. I can't watch because the flips scare me.
7. He loves to hot tub.
8. He likes to immitate sounds: buzzers, horns and whistles.
9. He took 3 steps yesterday.
10. He hasn't slept through the night yet.
11. He will go to sleep if you just lay him down in the crib.
12. He can cry extra loud at 2:30 in the morning.
13. He is very social.
14. He laughs and squeals a lot.
15. I am not sure why I thought it would be hard to love another baby. I can't imagine our lives without him. He is a perfect fit into our crazy home.
If you haven't met Carter yet, I hope you get to real soon. He is growing up so fast!
One year! Time flies. "Happy to you!" That's how Kyla sings Happy Birthday.
Carter looks like he really likes his new car. I can't believe that he is already one. Happy Birthday Carter!
Looks like a fun time!
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